Social Media Terms of Use
The purpose of the Social Media Terms of Use policy is to provide guidance for public use of West Central Ohio Network (WestCON) social media sites or pages. It should be broadly understood for purposes of this policy to include any form of electronic communication through which users create or post online to share information, ideas, personal messages, videos and other content.
I. General Notice
West Central Ohio Network (WestCON) has developed social media channels to share information, photos, videos, educational articles, and more. We encourage you to follow, view, and engage in WestCON’s social media sites, noting the opinions and comments expressed on these sites do not necessarily reflect the opinions/thoughts of WestCON. If you have an emergency to report, please call 911. If you have an MUI to report, please utilize the appropriate method of doing so. Do not use this method of communication for an emergency or to report an MUI.
II. Terms of Use
By accessing, viewing and/or posting to WestCON’s social media sites you recognize and agree to the following terms of use:
A. You are at least 13 years old.
B. If you are an employee, individual, provider or a covered entity under federal HIPAA regulations, you may not post any content containing Personal Health Information, including images and videos of individuals without permission from the individual, parent, or guardian.
C. By utilizing these social media sites, you agree that any content posted or sent to our pages, will not breach any laws or regulations, such as copyright. In addition, you will not transmit any material in any manner that is illegal, embarrassing, derogatory, threatening, disrespectful, abusive, harassing, or offensive as solely determined by WestCON.
D. WestCON reserves the right to monitor and/or terminate your access and remove any content to the social media sites at any time, without notice and for any reason as desired.
E. As a non-partisan, governmental entity, WestCON reserves the right to remove partisan comments, as well as any content not following the social media guidelines or by any applicable law.
F. WestCON reserves the right to reproduce and publish any content (including photos and videos) shared or sent to any WestCON social media site as deemed appropriate by WestCON.
G. By utilizing this site, you shall not hold WestCON and or its representatives liable for any reason, whatsoever.
III. Acceptance
Your use of WestCON’s social media sites is acceptance of this policy and has the same effect as if you have physically signed an agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this policy, you may not view or post any content to any WestCON social media site. Please note: these terms may be updated at any point and each time a user accesses a social networking site, the new terms of use will be in effect.
West Central Ohio Network Social Media Terms of Use Policy # 1.06
Approved: June 7, 2024