Welcome to the Independent Provider resource page! This is a first step to an extremely rewarding and flexible career. This path will give you the ability to choose who you work with and how often you work. To find out more about the details of being an Independent Provider, check out the information below!

Do you have a computer?
Nearly every aspect of being an Independent Provider will involve using the computer. The application, searching for individuals to support, your billing, and your reviews are all completed online. Many training classes can be completed online too. All of your documentation will be on forms that you create on the computer, although we do have suggestions on what to include. Any and all official communication with DODD will be via email. And soon you will only be able to access necessary service plans through an online system.

Do you like the idea of being self-employed?
Becoming a certified Independent Provider means that you are self- employed and will be expected to operate as such. You are not an employee of DODD or the County Board; you are essentially an independent contractor. This means you are responsible for paying for your own taxes, healthcare and other benefits, keeping proper documentation, and abiding by and staying informed of the state rules that govern DODD.

Are you patient?
The application process to become an Independent Provider can take at least 1-3 months to complete. There are classes to take, documents to gather and a background check to schedule before you complete the application. In addition, you need to pay all applicable fees associated with certification before it can be processed. After the application is submitted, it can take 30-90 days to be approved.
Once you’re certified, you may have to wait to find a person to support and become authorized to provide this support. Once you’ve worked with the person and billed for it, there will be at least a three week lapse before you are paid, as the claims are processed through a combination of DODD and Medicaid.

Do you plan on serving a family member or friend?
If yes, then that’s great news. We know you aim to take great care of your loved one. However, family members are not exempt from any of the rules or regulations that an unrelated provider would be. In order to be paid for your services, you need to adhere to all rules and laws governing service provision. When you’re “on the clock” for your loved one, you’re a provider– even if you’re still the parent, grandparent or sibling.
If not, then it is up to you to find customers just like self-employed contractors in other fields. Lucky for you, we have created an easy and visual tool in order to find individuals that are looking for providers just like you! You can view on the map in order to find someone close to you.
Becoming an Independent Provider can seem complicated. We have created an easy-to-follow checklist to make sure you have everything you need to start your application. Click the button below to download the checklist.
Do you love working with people with DD but feel like this might be a little too much to manage? Don’t fret– agency providers all over the WestCON region are looking for people just like you right now. Learn more about becoming an agency DSP by clicking the button below.