We are constantly trying to improve and add to our services in order to provide the best support for our County Boards and Providers. We understand that if our County Boards and Providers succeed, then the lives of the people served in our region are better!

WestCON provides services to the County Boards to help them with the intake and eligibility of individuals into the DD system. We support through all of the necessary paperwork and information gathering in order to enroll a new person into our system.

We employ a Community Relations Coordinator that is available for the County Boards in our region. This position helps support County Boards and Providers by providing services through website design, videography, photography, social media management, branding and more.

This service helps support the County Boards by maintaining program funds as directed by the County Boards. We also provide timely payments of invoices sent by the County Boards, we maintain all applicable W9s, issue 1099s, maintain supporting documentation for audits and more.